Teacher, Preacher, Soldier, Spy: The Civil Wars of John R. Kelso
By Christopher Grasso
Oxford University Press, September 2021
John R. Kelso on Twitter
“Civil War, Reconstruction, and the Politics of Memory: John R. Kelso and Jesse James.” Blogpost: at… https://t.co/glNtdNVkZ0
We captured a rebel, who promised to help us, but then escaped. “Hearing…that he was occupying a tent in a brush th… https://t.co/ONx1GWgunk
“The rebel Gen. Jo Shelby, with a fine body of cavalry 1500 strong and a few pieces of artillery, was approaching….… https://t.co/TzftkyxxZa
“The spreading of my thighs, in particular, on being placed upon the saddle caused pain so intense that, on several… https://t.co/Xav1mPMDVI
“Notwithstanding my many and severe injuries, I could not endure to be idle. The men wanted me on every scout, and… https://t.co/wAViIIxKAl
“[M]y crushed hips and other injuries…were now in a state of high inflammation. I had to be lifted from my saddle a… https://t.co/yAE3zac1Ie
“When we felt that we were safe from imminent danger, the excitement which had sustained me, gave way and I became… https://t.co/I6XhRxAoKo
“Just then one of the bushwhackers saw us and cried, ‘Good God Almighty! Just look at the Feds!’ .... Raising a gre… https://t.co/XxB6OOEieX
“With only 6 men, I followed the trail of the bushwhackers….They had stopped to kill their prisoners according to t… https://t.co/EOVGH0hrV6
Briggs, who lay dying, “said that when the fighting was over, the bushwhackers came back and shot all of the wounde… https://t.co/ESQTG9QSDo